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Today's Thought: Seven top actions you should do for your customers that carry much more weight than anything you can say to them

Posted on September 6, 2018 by Eduardo Bryant

  1. Return calls within 24 hours - Everyone is busy, returning calls within 24hrs shows you respect their time
  2. Do not over promise - Over promising and under delivering is one of of the worst things a sales person can do
  3. Check the validity of your response - Ask people if your response answered their question, is it what they were looking for, or did it meet their need?
  4. Follow up - You would think everybody does this, but they don't.
  5. Send a "Thank You" note - This is a lost practice today, people appreciate a kind gesture.
  6. Thank them for their time - Courtesy is always an appreciated behavior and it may give you a second chance if the first attempt was not successful.
  7. Be polite - Once again, not everyone checks their attitude at the door. It's good practice to maintain a level of decorum.

Success is measured by what you do not what you say.

Tags: 7 actions, happy customers, eduardo bryant